Safety Notices & Chip Instructions

Race Briefing

The following is the race briefing that will be read out on the start line 15 minutes prior to the start of Le Race.

Event Safety Briefing

This briefing is to read to all competitors ver batum by the Race Director in the start assembly area 10 minutes prior to the start of the event. The event will start under the control of the Race Director once the green wave has been activated.

Welcome to the 2026 edition of Le Race – Please listen carefully to the following safety briefing.

First and foremost, you must regard all sections of the course, including side roads, access ways, and driveways as fully open to normal traffic. Whilst much of the course is on relatively quiet rural roads, a significant amount is on much busier city streets and State Highways. You must obey the Road Code at all times throughout the event, and in particular you must keep as far left as practical throughout the event keeping to the left of the centre line, or an imaginary centre line on unmarked roads, and whenever possible ride no more than two abreast, utilising hard shoulders and cycle lanes where available. Pay particular attention to parked vehicles and pedestrians. Remember that there are other legitimate road users, some of whom may be frustrated by your presence on the roads. Be aware of them and remain courteous. You will be disqualified and withdrawn from the event if you are seen to be disobeying the Road Code or deemed to be riding recklessly. To this end there will be "bunch police" patrolling within the event (HAVE ONE OF THE TEAM ON THE STAGE TO SHOW RIDERS WHAT THE BUNCH POLICE LOOK LIKE) These riders do have the powers to warn you and if necessary to disqualify you from the event. You will only receive a single warning. Please heed their instructions and cooperate with them for your safety.

You will have all studied the event route in your race packs and at registration. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the route and you must not deviate from it at any time. To assist you in this, each intersection is manned by event officials and/or Traffic Management Staff. From the start do not attempt to pass the lead safety vehicles who will be controlling your speed on Colombo Street. You must keep to the left of the centre line throughout the length of Colombo Street and be alert for traffic islands and signs in the centre of the road.

You must obey fully the instructions of all event officials, event marshals and the Police. This means that if traffic conditions dictate, you may be required to stop should it be deemed necessary.

You must exercise extreme caution throughout the event, particularly at all intersections, descents, blind curves, cattle stops, and most importantly, on the final steep descent of Long Bay Road heading into Akaroa township. Be extra vigilant and keep your speed down to a sensible pace. It is important for your safety to reduce your speed when advised by event signs at cattle stops and steep descents. Although all intersections are marshalled, and major intersections are controlled by Event Traffic Controllers, it remains your responsibility to obey the Road Code before proceeding.

Optional, dependant upon wind conditions.

Remember that today we have a strong wind from the. Exercise extreme caution on the more exposed sections of the course, particularly State Highway 75, and increase your spacing from other riders.

Remember that in the rain your ability to take corners and brake are diminished. Reduce your speed as appropriate and giver other riders more room.

Ensure you have sufficient water for the event – water stations are provided along the route and are clearly signed. Drink regularly, do not wait for symptoms such as cramp to develop.

Should you withdraw from the event for any reason you must advise the nearest marshal point and hand in your electronic timing transponder.

Should an accident occur, following riders must stop to give assistance and remain with the injured rider until relieved by an event official or the emergency services. If necessary you may call 111 for St. John assistance, otherwise another rider must proceed on to the next marshal point and advise them of the incident.

There is a race cut off time of 12 noon at Hilltop. Riders reaching this point after this time will be stopped by event marshals and have their transponders removed. Riders may continue to proceed independently to the finish, but will be advised that all traffic management and event officials may no longer be in place and riders must obey the road code fully.

Approaching the finish remember you must keep to the left and enter the barricaded chute on Rue Lavaud. Remember that there is a relatively short distance to stop within this chute and be prepared to apply your brakes. You will be marshalled across the road into the domain where your transponder will be removed.

King and Queen of the Mountains judging will take place at both the Sign of the Kiwi (first four riders) and Hilltop (first five riders), with the final results based on an aggregate of both. Remain to the left in the event of any bunch sprint at these points.

Finally, keep uppermost in your mind that your safety is as much your responsibility as that of the event staff, and safety is much more important than how fast you manage to complete the event. Enjoy the ride and have a safe and rewarding experience.

Thank you for your attention.

Safety Notices

Click here to download the PDF version


The event takes place on public roads that will be open to other road users. The roads are narrow in places, and at all times you must keep left and obey the road rules. No support vehicles are allowed on the Summit Road section of the course.